E010 There is Hope For Your Brain with Ruth Curran

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E010 There’s Hope For Your Brain

At a recent TEDX Talk, I listened to Dr. Drew Ramsey share new research that through diet and behavioral changes you can Ruth Curran, Experience 50 PodcastIMPROVE your brain function. The video of that presentation is HERE. This is in stark contrast to the old belief that once brain cells began to die, there was no going back. Intrigued, I contacted Ruth Curran, victim of a traumatic brain injury from a car accident, who has become an expert in the field of brain development.

Ruth Curran drew on her experience successfully overcoming a traumatic brain injury suffered in an automobile accident at 44 to become an expert on maximizing brain health and function through lifestyle modification and “turning up the noise on life.” Curran is passionate about the connection between the brain and daily functioning and believes everyone—regardless of age or stage of life—has the ability to use neuroplasticity to live a richer, deeper, more fully engaged life. She has created a series of photo-based thinking puzzles, games, and apps that help players work on cognitive abilities such as attention, memory, and executive functioning. Curran has a master’s degree in cognitive psychology as well as more than 28 years of experience as a strategist, business development executive, and organizational behaviorist. She shares her insights and proven techniques for amplifying everyday experiences in Being Brain Healthy and at www.craniumcrunches.com/blog

Play some free brain games: Cranium Crunches

Ruth’s Book: Being Brain Healthy

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