Midlife Sleep, Be Mine Tonight
Yes, that is me. Sound asleep during a very rowdy Michigan State vs U of M football game house party. Why? Because I didn’t get any sleep the night before.
This is definitely an age thing. My husband and I both struggle to get a solid night of sleep. Hot flashes and a shoulder/neck injury are my obstacles, for some it is anxiety, stress, sleep apnea, a demanding bladder or an infuriating chirping bird that visits each sunrise.
There are both over-the-counter and prescription drugs that may or may not make you feel drugged and groggy the next day.
I’m not much a poster child for good sleep, but here are my go-to sleep boosters:
- Follow a pre-sleep routine. Whatever that is, just be consistent so your brain knows what to get ready for, hopefully sleep.
- Warm bath with this awesome stuff, Dr. Teal’s. As your body cools off, your
brain thinks sleepy thoughts.
- Melatonin – All natural, it helps.
- I understand sex helps.
- A fan. Ceiling fans are great.
- A really good pillow – I love this pillow, I tried the one with “cooling foam” and it didn’t make much of a difference. Save some $ and try this. It takes about 3-5 nights to get used to it, so don’t give up! This pillow keeps me from waking up with achy neck and shoulders. This is a good thing.
- Turn off the TV. Our brains used to be able to tune it out and drift off. Not anymore.
- Don’t play games on your phone or tablet in bed, way too stimulating.
- Open the window, fresh cool air. FREE! or Air conditioning NOT FREE
- If hot flashes, sweaty sleeping are the true enemy of slumber, here is the big gun: a bed fan! Who knew? I don’t one, but the reviews are best for this one.
- Sleep spray – Love this, I don’t know if it scientifically works, but it makes me happy.
- High quality Lavender essential oil on the bottoms of my feet.
- Write out your to do list for the next day before going to bed.
- If you sleep with a partner, try the guest room bed for a few nights and see what happens. There is no shame in sleeping in separate beds.
- Eat a little snack, or drink some milk. Your mother was right.
I have a very vivid memory from childhood of my father telling me that he’d gotten to point in life that if he’d got a good night sleep and been “successful in the bathroom” by 9AM, it was going to be a good day. I had no idea what he was talking about.